

The Connected Problem of Heterogeneous Two-tiered Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 该文在混合型的双层无线传感器网络上研究了整个网络的连通性,即在传感器传感半径不全相等且传感器之间不具有数据传输功能的情况下,把问题转化为解决集合覆盖这一问题,通过贪婪的方法放置最少数目的中继器使得整个网络连通。该文对此问题设计了算法并且给出性能比分析。 In this paper,we discuss the connected problem of heterogeneous two-tiered wireless sensor network,in other words,we find the minimum number of relay nodes such that the full network is connected with the condition that all the radius of sensor nodes is not equal and the sensor nodes will not participate in packet forwarding.We first design approximation algorithms,and give the performance ratio analysis.
出处 《杭州电子科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2011年第2期96-98,共3页 Journal of Hangzhou Dianzi University:Natural Sciences
关键词 混合型 双层网络 覆盖 连通性 heterogeneous two-tiered cover connectivity
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