
从理论到应用:情绪智力研究现状剖析 被引量:1

From theory to application:status quo of emotional intelligence researches
摘要 民众对情绪智力的希冀与期待助推了情绪智力的流行。尽管公众与科学对EI表现出了极大的兴趣,EI依然处于研究的初级阶段,许多关键问题悬而未决,在概念界定、测量、应用等方面出现了纷争甚至对立,概念界定众说纷纭,测量工具零乱庞杂,应用效果莫衷一是。超越纷争,相互包容,既重视理论研究,又重视实践应用,是情绪智力发展的理性应对。 People's expectation and anticipation of emotional intelligence (EI) promoted its popularity. Although the public showed great interest in EI, which was still in the initial stage of research, a lot of key issues concerning its conceptualization, measurement and application remained unsolved. People dispute on the many definitions, chaotic measuring tools and application results. To cope with it, we should be inclusive beyond disputes and lay equal emphasis on theory exploration and practical application.
作者 麻彦坤
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期43-48,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题(DB100194)
关键词 情绪智力 定义 测量 应用 emotional intelligence concept measurement application
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