
虚实相渗,构建广延时空——以朝鲜朝梦游录小说为中心 被引量:1

A Study on the Combination of "Xu" and "Shi" and Its Structure of Space-time Extension
摘要 朝鲜朝梦游录作为朝鲜古代小说的一个特殊类型,在作品题目命名和主人公命名方面有着鲜明的特点,虚中有实,实中有虚,充分体现了虚实相渗的特点及借梦喻志的实质。同时,这种虚实相渗的特点还体现在时空环境的描写上。小说的开头往往交代小说发生的时间和空间,而用以限定小说时间和空间的词语又往往具有不确定性;梦游者及梦中人物活动的具体环境多是在神山、洞府、仙台、龙宫乃至冥府等"神出鬼没"的地方,这些地方本身就带有一种强烈的虚幻色彩。梦游录小说情节正是在这种看似真实、实则虚幻的时空环境中展开的。 As a special type of Korean ancient novel, Mongyurok of Chosen Dynasty has distinct characteristics in naming works and protagonists.Mongyurok is characterized by fusing the real and the unreal as well as taking advantage of dream to express one’s ideal. Furthermore, blending the real and the unreal is also shown in the description of space and time. At the beginning of the novel, time and space are explained, while the words for determining time and space are uncertain. The one who dreams and the ones he meets in the dream are both in the places such as holy mountains, caves, elfland, the Dragon King’s palace and the nether world. These elusive places are covered with illusion. This real-unreal time and space is the hotbed where the plots of Mongyurok are developed.
作者 孙惠欣
出处 《东疆学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第3期32-40,111-112,共9页 Dongjiang Journal
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目 吉林省人文社会科学重点研究基地项目
关键词 梦游录小说 作品题目 人物命名 时空环境 虚实相渗 Mongyurok,title,character naming,time-space,Xu and Shi
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