
睾丸肿瘤的超声声像图表现及其与病理改变的关系 被引量:2

Testicular tumor:sonographic appearance and its correlation with histological changes
摘要 目的探讨超声检查在睾丸肿瘤诊断中的价值。方法对18例睾丸肿瘤患者的超声声像图资料及病理结果进行分析。结果睾丸精原细胞瘤8例,睾丸胚胎瘤5例,睾丸淋巴瘤1例,睾丸畸胎瘤2例,睾丸混合细胞癌2例。超声检查发现各类型的睾丸肿瘤具有较为特征性的声像图。结论超声检查可以对睾丸肿瘤做出初步诊断和鉴别诊断,是首选的影像学检查方法。 Objective To evaluate ultrasonography in the diagnosis of testicular tumor.Methods Ultrasound findings and histological results were retrospectively studied in 18 men with testicular mass.Results 8 cases were seminoma germ cell tumor of testis;5 cases were teratoma in testis;1 case was malignant lymphoma of testis;2 cases were teratomas of testis;2 cases were mixture testicular tumor.The sonographic feature of different types testicular tumor were obvious.Conclusion Ultrasonography,contributive to the preliminary diagnosis and differential diagnosis,which can be the first choice in medical imaging for the diagnosis of testicular tumor.
出处 《海南医学》 CAS 2011年第13期100-101,共2页 Hainan Medical Journal
关键词 睾丸肿瘤 超声检查 Testicular tumor Ultrasonography
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