在许多多主体偏好逻辑系统中,主体之间是没有联系的,因而无法描述主体间的偏好互动。借鉴"The Logic in the Community"一文中称为"群体压力"的例子对偏好的影响,本文在"The Logic in the Community"所提出的系统构架上,加入偏好算子和两个动态算子,通过构造归约公理说明这些算子可以被无偿添加,并借助这些规约公理证明了系统的完全性。
In many multi-agent preference systems,there is no relation between the agents. That is why they can not characterize the preference interactions of the agents.Adopting one of the examples proposed in Logic in the Community:the effect of peer pressure on preference change,we add preference logic operators,and two dynamic operators to the system,which is proposed in that paper.We show how these operators can be added at no cost by giving reduction axioms which are used to show the completeness.
Studies in Logic