
彩色全息光电再现倍率色差的消除 被引量:12

Removal of magnification chromatism in optoelectronic full color holography
摘要 针对基于空间光调制器的彩色全息光电再现系统在利用计算全息图进行光电再现时会由于三色激光波长不同造成再现像出现倍率色差,影响再现效果的问题,本文重点分析了倍率色差产生的原因。为了消除倍率色差,提高彩色光电再现像的质量,提出了在全息图计算过程中对物信息进行差别采样来消除倍率色差。基于时分复用方法搭建了彩色全息光电再现系统,以迭代傅里叶变换型全息图为例,对处理后的计算全息图进行了光电再现。实验表明,提出的方法可以消除波长不同造成的色差(33.6%(红色),12.5%(绿色)),实验结果验证了本文所提出方法的可行性。 As the magnification chrometism caused from different wavelengths of color lasers in the optoelectric reconstruction based on a spatial light modulator effects on the quality of reconstructed images,this paper focuses on the reason that the magnification chromatism arises.In order to remove the magnification chromatism,it proposes a method to sample the three color objects with disparity in the process of hologram computing to improve the image quality.A full color electro-holographic system based on a time shearing method is established and holograms computed by the Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithm(IFTA) are reconstructed.The experiment indicates that the magnification chromatism 33.6% for red and 12.5% for blue can be both removed,which shows that the method proposed is verified by experiment results.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1414-1420,共7页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 上海市科委科国际合作项目(No.09530708700) 上海大学研究生创新基金资助项目(No.SHUCX101060)
关键词 全息术 计算全息图 差别采样 倍率色差 光电再现 holography; computer generated hologram; disparity sampling; magnification chromatism; optoelectronic reconstruction;
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