对SU(2)hedgehog skyrmion解析解Hyb(4/4)的参数和πNN耦合的计算方法进行了改进.改进后的解析解MHyb(4/4)与数值解更符合,误差也进一步减小,进而得知MHyb(4/4)为SU(2)Hedgehog skyrme模型更精确的解析解。
The parameters of an analytical solution Hyb(4/4) for the SU(2) hedgehog skyrmion and the calculaton method of the π NN-coupling improved.The result shows a better agreement between themodified Hyb(4/4)(MHyb(4/4)) and numerical solution and has smaller error,lonseguently,it makes further understanding toward MHyb(4/4) is a more accurate analytical solution for the SU(2) hedgehog syrmion.
Journal of Liupanshui Teachers College