为了提高浅海过渡带地震勘探的生产效率,实现多线束同时作业,应沙特Aramco石油公司的要求,428XL仪器开发了Multiswath功能。本文以428XL V4.0为例,结合沙特某区块的生产实践,简单介绍了此功能,并从硬件和软件方面分析了这一功能存在的不足以及需要完善的地方,提出了改进建议,以便将其推广应用到所有的浅海过渡带的生产中。
In order to improve the production of shallow seismic exploration and different swath operation simuhaneous, Serce1428 developed the multiswath function at the request of Saudi Aramco. Taking 428XL V4.0 as an example and after analyzing the hardware and software, this paper briefly introduces the multiswath function and points out the shortcomings of this function and the need for improvement in order to promote this function in the future shallow transition zone.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting