数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Model)是描述地表起伏变化的一种数字表达,是重要的一类基础地理信息产品,具有广泛的应用效果。目前,DEM研究成果丰富,且随着新的空间测高技术的出现,DEM原始数据采集的精度和密度在不断提高,它的精度直接影响着DOM的成图质量。在DEM的生产过程中,同时把握好DEM的质量和提高工作效率成为我们研究的课题。
Digital Elevation Model(DEM),describing the earth's surface fluctuation,is an important product of fundamental geographic information.Currently,the achievements of DEM research are very plentiful.With the emergence of new spatial altimetry technology,the accuracy and density of original data collection is improved constantly,which directly affects the DOM quality.During the DOM production process,how to control the DEM quality as well as improve work efficiency is becoming a great challenge.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology