采用传统的陶瓷工艺制备少量掺杂Y2O3 , CeO2 的MgPSZ 陶瓷, 材料在较低的温度( ≤1550℃) 下烧结致密并实现了微晶化( 晶粒尺寸~10 μm) 。探讨了Y2O3 ,CeO2 的复合稳定作用和1100 ℃热处理过程对材料相组成、显微结构和力学性能的影响。经1100 ℃适当时间热处理, Y2O3 ,CeO2 的复合稳定作用有效抑制亚共析分解反应发生, 优化调整cZrO2 晶粒中的tZrO2 析出体成核长大过程。断裂特征为穿晶、沿晶兼有, 相变增韧和微裂纹增韧的协同效应使材料具有优良的力学性能。
Mg PSZ ceramics doped with Y 2O 3 and CeO 2 were prepared using traditional processing method. The fine grain PSZ ceramics( d c10 μm) sintered at low temperature(1550 ℃) was obtained by means of composition design. The effect of co stabilization of Y 2O 3, CeO 2 and anneal process at 1100 ℃ was studied on material composition, microstructure and mechanical properties. The results show that Y 2O 3 and CeO 2 during annealing at 1100 ℃ can inhibit sub eutectoid decomposition reaction effectively, and adjust optimum conditions of precipitates of t ZrO 2 in c ZrO 2 grain nucleation and growth. The materials showed transgranular and intergranular fracture characteristics, and exhibit better mechanical properties owing to the coordinated effect of microcrack toughening and stress induced transformation toughening.
Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths