
基于EDAM本体的约束引导工作流构建 被引量:1

Constraint-Guided Workflow Composition Based on EDAM Ontology
摘要 可执行工作流的自动构建服务方法需要具体的应用领域知识,尤其是输入输出数据所描述的可用服务及其行为。文章讨论了EDAM本体作为背景知识构建生物信息工作流的技术;揭示了EDAM知识有助于生成工作流,但需要更多的应用知识指导的原由;阐明了灵活定制具体领域和具体问题的约束以支持工作流的方法。 The method of automatically composing services into executable workflows needs detailed knowledge about the application domain,in particular about the available services and their behavior in terms of input/output data descriptions.We discuss the technology of using EDAM(EMBRACE Data and Methods) ontology as background knowledge to compose bioinformatics workflows,reveal that the EDAM knowledge facilitates generating workflows,but requires more application knowledge to guide it,illustrate the method to flexibly formulate domain-specific and problem-specific constraints for supporting workflows.
出处 《计算机时代》 2011年第7期47-49,共3页 Computer Era
关键词 EDAM 工作流 约束 本体 EDAM Workflows Constraints Ontology
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