
镜像综合征6例诊治分析 被引量:3

Diagnosis and Treatment of 6 Cases with Mirror Syndrome
摘要 目的:探讨镜像综合征的临床特点、诊断和治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析2009—2010年收治的6例镜像综合征患者临床资料(包括临床症状及体征、实验室和超声检查、胎盘大体检查和病理、母婴结局)并复习相关文献。结果:6例均出现母体水肿-胎儿水肿-胎盘水肿三联征,6例均出现贫血和血液稀释[表现为血红蛋白(86.00±10.88)g/L和红细胞压积0.267 7±0.026 7]、低蛋白血症[白蛋白(21.53±3.12)g/L]、尿蛋白阳性和血尿酸[UA(551.50±63.02)μmol/L]增高。另有4例血压升高。结论:伴随胎儿水肿或胎盘水肿出现母体水肿,即可确诊镜像综合征,有些病例可出现类似子痫前期的症状。血液稀释是该病最重要的特点,能将其与子痫前期鉴别开来。确诊镜像综合征后,应纠正水肿的原因或尽早终止妊娠,可使用利尿剂并限制液体的入量。 Objective:To explore the clinical features,diagnosis and treatment of mirror syndrome.Methods:The clinical data including clinical symptoms and physical signs,laboratory and ultrasound examination,gross and microscopic placental examination and outcomes of both mother and fetus in 6 cases with mirror syndrome at our hospital from 2009 to 2010 were analyzed retrospective,and relative literatures were reviewed.Results:6 cases with mirror syndrome was presented the triad of maternal edema,hydrops fetalis and hydropic placenta.6 cases have several characteristics such as anemia and hemodilution[Hb(86.00±10.88) g/L和HCT 0.267 7±0.026 7],hypopoteinemia[ALB(21.53 ± 3.12) g/L],albuminuria and proteinuria,elevated uric acid [UA(551.50±63.02) μmo/L].In addition,elevated blood pressure was present in 4 cases.Conclusions:Mirror syndrome can be diagnosed as the development of maternal edema in association with hydrops fetalis or hydropic placenta.Some cases can present preeclampsia-like symptoms.An important characteristic of mirror syndrome that distinguishes it from preeclampsia is maternal hemodilution.Once mirror syndrome is diagnosed,the cause of hydrops should be corrected as soon as possibly.Diuretic and limitation of fluid input volume also should be considered.
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期222-224,共3页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 水肿 胎儿 胎盘 先兆子痫 诊断 治疗 病例报告 镜像综合征 Hydrops fetalis Placenta Pre-eclampsia Diagnosis Therapy Case reports Mirror syndrome
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