
柏林与巴黎的供电比较 被引量:3

Comparison of the Power Supply of Berlin and Paris
摘要 对柏林和巴黎的供电区域、电网结构、电气设备的可靠性、以及供电质量和成本等特征进行了比较研究。柏林电网为环网结构,而巴黎电网为辐射型网络。比较结果表明,虽然设备和元件的可靠性基本相同,但成本差异很大。柏林与巴黎电网的成本差异主要与用电密度、运行设备价格及网络结构有关。普遍认为柏林电网的供电质量较高。柏林与巴黎的供电比较基于大量的技术和经济数据,旨在确定电网结构对供电质量及电网成本的影响,并为将来的规划研究提供大量的比较性数据。 This report presents the conclusions of the comparative study carried out by the Berlin and French electrical utilities on the supply of BERLIN Centre and Paris. The comparison is based on the characteristics of the supplied areas and concerns the structure of the networks, the reliability of network facilities and components, the quality of supply and the costs of the network. BERLIN's network is made up of loops or rings, whereas that of PARIS has a radial structure. This structural difference is expressed by a higher quality of customer supply in BERLIN. Although the reliability of the facilities and components is comparable, their costs sometimes differ considerably. Despite the structural differences, it was possible to make economic comparisons. These comparisons show that the difference in cost between BERLIN and PARIS is mainly linked to the density of demand, the price of operating equipment and the network structure.
机构地区 BeWag
出处 《国际电力》 1999年第4期49-52,共4页
关键词 配电系统 可靠性 供电质量 电网 柏林 巴黎 Distribution system Reliability Cost comparison Berlin Paris
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