

Study on F_1 Heterosis of Aromatic Soft Rice with Different Ecological Types and Relationship between F_1 and Their Parents
摘要 香型软米水稻资源品质优异,了解其不同生态类型间F1杂种优势及其与亲本的关系,对有针对性选择转育新的优质杂交水稻亲本具有重要意义。本研究选用来自5个不同地方香型软米晚稻品种资源作母本和自育稳定的6个香型软米保持系进行杂交配组,对其F1杂种的11个主要农艺性状进行杂种优势及其与亲本相关分析。结果表明,①除结实率外,其余性状更多表现为正向显性或优势。②组合性状差异最大是单株产量,其余比较大的性状是实粒数、结实率、有效穗和总粒数;杂种F1总粒数的平均优势最大,千粒重最低。③穗总粒数、剑叶长、剑叶宽的性状值显著高于高亲值,结实率显著低于低值亲本,虽然千粒重性状值比高亲值高,而单株产量和有效穗比高亲值低,但均未达到显著水平。④杂种F1的株高、穗长、千粒重、有效穗和全生育期与母本呈极显著或显著正相关,总粒数和剑叶宽与父本呈极显著正相关。结合研究结果,讨论了如何趋利避害利用香型软米水稻资源转育优质杂交水稻亲本等问题。 The quality of the aromatic soft rice was excellent,so understanding the F1 heterosis of the aromatic soft rice with different ecological types and the relationship between F1 and their parents was very important to select and breed new high-quality hybrid rice parents with a clear aim.In this study,the aromatic soft rice cultivars came from five different places as female parent and six self-sterile and stable maintenance lines were selected to hybridize with group,and the heterosis of 11 agronomic characters of their F1 hybrids and its correlation with the parents were analyzed.The results showed that:(ⅰ) in addition to seed set,the rest characters appeared more dominant or advantage.(ⅱ)the biggest difference of combination was in yield perplant,then in filled grain per panicle,seed set,panicles per plant and total grains per panicle,the average maximum advantage was the total grains per panicle of F1 hybrids,the minimum was 1000-grain weight.(ⅲ)the value of total grain per panicle,flag leaf length and flag leaf width was significantly higher than high value parent and the value of seed set was significantly lower than low value parent.Although the value of 1000-grain weight was higher than high value parent and the value of yield per plant and panicles per plant was lower than high value parent,but did not reach significant levels.(ⅳ)Plant height,panicle length,1000-grain weight,panicles per plant and growth duration of F1 hybrids was significantly or very significantly correlated with the female parent and total grain per panicle and flag leaf width with the male parent.So we combine the results and discuss how to use the germplasm of aromatic soft rice avoiding disadvantages on transbreeding of new high-quality hybrid rice parents.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期844-849,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 云南省重点新产品开发科技计划项目(2009BB09) 云南省人才引培计划项目(2009CI086) 云南省文山州重大科技攻关项目
关键词 香型软米 生态类型 杂种优势 农艺性状 相关关系 Aromatic soft rice Ecological type Heterosis Agronomic traits Relationship
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