
伊、巴、印关于IPI天然气管道的地缘政治战略博弈 被引量:3

Iran、Pakistan and India's Geopolitical Strategic Games on IPI Gas Pipeline
摘要 IPI即从伊朗南帕尔斯气田通向巴基斯坦、印度的天然气管道,其谈判历程曲折复杂,其间不仅夹杂着伊、巴、印三方各自的利益诉求,而且还集中了大国间的利益纷争和矛盾,彼此的碰撞和博弈异常激烈。伊朗欲借此改善国内经济困境、稳定政局、打破美国的围堵。巴基斯坦欲借此缓解国内能源危机、改善巴伊关系、增加同印度谈判的筹码。印度也欲借此缓解国内能源短缺状况,加强与伊朗的能源合作,在能源争夺战中抢占先机。美国出于打压伊朗的目的,极力阻扰IPI的实施。 IPI gas pipeline starts from South Pars in Iran to Pakistan and India.The negotiation process is tortuous and complicated,which involves not only the mixed benefit demands of Iran、Pakistan and India respectively,but also the benefit disputes and conflicts between the powers.The collision and the game are very drastic.Iran wants to get out its economic difficulties,stabilize the political situation and to break America's containment.Pakistan tries to ease the domestic energy crisis,improves the Iran-Pakistan relations and to increase the bargaining power with India.India also wants to ease the situation of shortage of energy,to strengthen the energy cooperation with Iran and to get the advantage in the energy battle.The United States strongly obstruct the implementation of IPI so as to suppress Iran.
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2011年第2期43-48,93,共6页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 伊朗 巴基斯坦 印度 IPI 能源合作 Iran Pakistan India IPI Energy cooperation
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