
可逆信息隐藏算法综述 被引量:1

Overview of Reversible Information Hiding Algorithms
摘要 可逆信息隐藏是信息隐藏领域一个新的分支,在过去的几年中一些关于可逆信息隐藏的研究论文相继发表。它不仅能增强原始媒质对所有权的鉴定,还可以从隐藏数据的媒质中恢复出原始媒质。这个特征对于一些重要的媒质例如医学军事图像非常重要,因为这种类型的媒质不允许有任何失真。该文的目的主要是介绍可逆信息隐藏技术以及最新的进展,并为其将来的发展提供研究方向。 Over the past few years a number of research papers about reversible information hiding have been produced. Reversible information hiding is a novel category of information hiding. It not only can strengthen the ownership of the original media but also can completely recover the original media from the hidden media. This feature is suitable for some important media, such as medical and military images, because these kinds of media do not allow any losses. The aim of the paper is to introduce the technology and recent progress of reversible information hiding, and provide some research issues for the future.
作者 奚吉 梁瑞宇
出处 《信息化研究》 2011年第3期1-3,15,共4页 INFORMATIZATION RESEARCH
关键词 可逆信息隐藏 差值扩散 直方图位移 reversible information hiding difference expansion histogram shift
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