在一定分辨率的屏幕上,小号汉字做常规的旋转时,字体会变得扭曲难认。文中提出了一种汉字反走样旋转算法,该算法调用大号汉字的点阵信息,生成对应小号汉字的多灰度字阵,并作了亮度调整,给出了16×16 点阵的一种灰度调整数组。
Small Chinese characters are often distorted and indecipherable in the case it is rotated at some angles on the CRT in limited resolution. This paper presents an antialiasing algorithm which transfers large Chinese character dot matrix into small Chinese character multi luminance dot matrix and offers one of luminance rearragement arrays of 16×16 dot matrix. In this arithmetic, a rotated standard ST 48×48 Chinese font is sampled and a new filter method referring to the taper filter of gupta and sproull is adopted. As a result, a 16×16 multi luminance dot matrix Chinese font is obtained. The simulation result proves that it is much more readable than the unprocessed same style one. This arithmetic may be used in all situations demanding small rotating Chinese fonts of high quality.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing