设计的接地电阻测试仪基于家用电器接地电阻的测试原理,以16 位微处理机为控制单元,采用目前国际上较为先进的IGBT作为单相逆变电路的开关器件,实现回路电流的恒定不变。文中介绍了系统的硬件构成和软件设计方案,分析了系统的工作原理。系统软硬件中的保护措施保证了仪器的安全使用。接地电阻测试仪响应快、精度高、便于操作。
A ground resistance tester is designed. It is based on the testing principles for the ground resistance of house hold appliances. Using a 16bit micro controller as the controlling unit and an advanced IGBT as the switch unit, the tester can keep the circuit current constant. The hardware and the software are introduced, and the principle of the tester is also analyzed. The security of the tester is ensured through the protecting measures in both the hardware and the software. As a result, quick response, high precision, and easy operation are achieved.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing