
时空距离、特征类型对态度的影响 被引量:4

The Influence of Spatio-temporal Distance and Type of Feature on Attitude toward Objects
摘要 建构水平理论(Construal level theory)认为时间能够独立地改变评价对象的建构水平,从而对对象的不同特征赋予不同的权重。个体倾向于用抽象的整体的特征表征时距远的事物,而用具体的局部的特征表征时距近的事物。空间距离不同的评价对象是否也遵循同样的规律?在考察时空距离与个人相关性的基础上,通过2(时间距离:明天和十年后)×2(空间距离:近地点和远地点)×2(特征类型:样例特征和类型特征)三因素被试间实验设计,探讨时间距离、空间距离、特征类型对态度的影响。结果发现,空间距离影响人们对事物的态度。在远空间距离水平上,时间距离对态度的影响显著,而在近空间距离水平上时间距离对态度的影响不显著;在远空间条件下,时距远的对象优先注意类型化的特征,时距近的对象优先注意样例化特征。最后,在建构水平理论框架内讨论了实验结果。 The construal level theory considers that time could change people's construal level independently,thus objects with different features were given different weight.Individual tend to represent long temporal distance with abstract overall features and represent near temporal distance with concrete partial features. This paper was within-subjects design,used three factors:temporal distance(tomorrow/ ten years later),spatio-distance(near/far),and types of feature(sample feature/type feature)to investigate the influence of those three factors on attitude. The results showed that the main effect of spatio distance was significant, F(1,234)=3.649,p=0.057,neither temporal distance(F(1,234)=1.103,p=0.295) nor feature type(F(1.234)=0.405,p=0.525),the main effect was not significant.The interaction among those three factors was significant F(1.234)=4.407,p=0.037.The analysis of interaction found that temporal distance significant influence people's attitude in far spatio distance,but the influence not significant in near spatio distance.In additional,subjects in far spatio distance preferential notice the type feature,while subjects in near spatio distance prefer to first notice the sample feature. Therefore,spatio-distance influence people's attitude.The results were discussed in the framework of construal level theory.
作者 钟毅平 张志
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2011年第3期230-233,共4页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 时空距离 特征类型 态度改变 建构水平理论 spatio-temporal distance type of feature attitudes change construal level theory
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