权利要求解释、等同原则与禁止反悔:专利審查档案的法律效力 评最高人民法院午时药业提審案(2009)民提字第20号
Claim Construction,Doctrine of Equivalents and Estoppel Legal Effect of Patent Prosecution History with Comments on the Supreme People's Court's Review of Wushi Pharmaceutical(No.Mintizi 20/2009)
China Patents & Trademarks
1Article 59 paragraph one, of the Patent Law of P.R. China: The extent of protection for a patent for invention or utility model shall be determined by the terms of the claims. The description and the appended drawings may be used to interpret the content of the claims.
2In the amendment to these Opinions circulated for comments, this provision has changed a great deal. See Article 54 of the Draft of the Opinions on Several Issues Relating to Patent Infringement Adjudication issued for comments (April 2011).
3By the doctrine of estoppel is meant that where during the patent prosecution or invalidation procedure, a patentee narrows, or surrenders a part of, the claims through written statement, or amendment made to the application or the patent, the court hearing infringement action must not allow the patentee to recapture what he has delimited, excluded, or surrendered by using the doctrine of equivalents in a later infringement action. Article 56.
4The doctrine of estoppel should applies only when the following conditions are met: (1) the narrowing or surrendering of the relevant technical features by a patent applicant or patentee must be explicit in the patent documentation, valid and final decision of validity or administrative decisions; and (2) the technical content so narrowed or surrendered must have material effect on the grant or maintenance of the patent.
5535 U.S. 722 (21)02).
6234 F.3d 558 (Fed. Cir. 2000).
7See Warner-Jenkinson Company, Inc., v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17, 39-40 (1997).
8See, e.g., Warner-Jenkinson Company, Inc., v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co., 520 U.S. 17, 37-38 (1997).
9See Article 35 of the Opinions on Several Issues Relating to Patent Infringement Adjudication: "Equivalents shall be interchangeable between technical features, not between two technical solutions as a whole.".
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