
卷烟主流烟气细胞毒性在5种细胞系中的反应差异 被引量:2

Cytotoxicity expression in five cell lines induced by mainstream cigarette smoke
摘要 为考察不同细胞系对卷烟主流烟气细胞毒性检测结果的影响,为我国进行烟气毒理学评价选用适合的细胞系提供试验依据,选用中国仓鼠卵巢细胞系(CHO)、中国仓鼠肺细胞系(CHL)、中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞系(V79)、人支气管上皮细胞系(BEAS-2B)和人肝癌细胞系(HepG2)共5种细胞系,采用中性红摄入法检测卷烟主流烟气总粒相物和气相物的细胞毒性。结果表明:5种细胞系对卷烟主流烟气总粒相物和气相物的反应敏感程度存在差异,对于烟气总粒相物,BEAS-2B最为敏感,HepG2最不敏感,CHL、V79和CHO产生的IC50差异无统计学意义;对于烟气气相物,CHO和BEAS-2B较为敏感,CHO产生的细胞抑制率与CHL、V79、BEAS-2B和HepG2的差异有统计学意义。综合考虑各细胞系对烟气总粒相物和气相物的敏感程度以及生长培养特点,认为CHO是较为理想的用于评价卷烟主流烟气细胞毒性的细胞系。 Chinese hamster ovary cell line(CHO),Chinese hamster lung cell line (CHL),Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cell line(V79),human bronchial epithelial cell line(BEAS-2B),and Hepatoma carcinoma cell line(HepG2) were selected for neutral red uptake assay to determine cytotoxicity of total particulate matter(TPM) and gas-vapour phase(GVP) in the mainstream cigarette smoke with objective to compare effects of different cell lines on cytotoxicicy assay of cigarette smoke and to provide basis for selecting suitable cell lines in toxicological evaluation of Chinese Virginia type cigarette smoke.Results indicated that the sensitivity of five cell lines to cigarette smoke was different.BEAS-2B was the most sensitive to PP while HepG2 was the least sensitive.There was no significant difference among IC50 from CHL,V79 and CHO.CHO and BEAS-2B were sensitive to GVP.Significant difference between cell inhibition rate from CHO and CHL,V79,BEAS-2B,HepG2 was found.According to sensitivity of cell lines to PP and GVP of cigarette mainstream smoke and growth characteristics,CHO cell line is ideal for toxicological evaluation of Chinese Virginia type cigarette smoke.
出处 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期67-70,共4页 Acta Tabacaria Sinica
基金 中国烟草总公司项目"烟用添加剂安全性评价关键技术研究(110200902060)" 云南省应用基础研究项目"烟草添加剂安全性评价的体外毒理学方法研究(2009ZC190M)" 云南省烟草化学创新团队建设项目"云南烟草科学研究院烟草化学省创新团队(2009CI014)" 云南省中烟工业公司项目"烟草行业烟用添加剂安全性评价体系建设(2009JC01)"资助
关键词 卷烟主流烟气 总粒相物 气相物 细胞毒性 细胞系 中性红 cigarette mainstream smoke total particulate matter gas-vapour phase cytotoxicity cell line neutral red
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