
转TaW基因提高烟草的耐盐性 被引量:5

Improving salt resistance in TaW transgenic tobacco
摘要 TaW基因是从小麦的cDNA文库中克隆获得的ERF类转录因子,含有一个AP2/ERF保守域。将TaW基因构建在由组成型CaMV35S强启动子控制的双子叶转化载体pBI121上,通过农杆菌介导法将其转入烟草W38。以转TaW基因烟草为材料,研究TaW基因对烟草耐盐性的影响,测定盐胁迫下转基因烟草离体叶片的叶绿素含量,并观察转基因烟草T2代植株在盐胁迫培养基上的生长情况。结果显示,转基因烟草叶片的叶绿素含量明显高于对照,转基因烟草在盐胁迫培养基上的生长情况明显好于野生型植株,从而说明TaW基因的过表达提高了烟草的耐盐性,为烟草抗逆性育种的分子改良提供了依据。 TaW is identified from wheat,which belongs to ERF subfamily and contains one AP2/ERF domain.TaW was constructed to transgenic vector(pBI121::TaW) that contained CaMV35S promoter.Transgenic tobacco plants were obtained by agrobacterium-mediated transformation.Salt-tolerance and chlorophyll content of transgenic tobacco plants were investigated.Conditions on growth of T2 generation transgenic tobacco and wild type tobacco were observed.Results showed that overexpression of TaW promoted development of roots and growth of plants,and increased chlorophyll content under salt environments.Overexpression of TaW enhanced salt tolerance,which may be further explored in tobacco variety development.
出处 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期78-81,共4页 Acta Tabacaria Sinica
基金 国家重大专项转基因生物新品种培育(2009ZX08009-063B)
关键词 小麦 ERF 转基因植物 耐盐性 烟草 wheat ERF transgenic plants salt tolerance tobacco
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