
包含电动汽车的风/光/储微电网经济性分析 被引量:118

Economic Analysis of a Microgrid with Wind/Photovoltaic/Storages and Electric Vehicles
摘要 电动汽车在接入微电网时具有双重角色:充电时可看做负载;同时在电动汽车电池有足够电量的情况下,可以对微电网负载进行供电。文中针对电动汽车能量的双向流动性,提出了包含风、光、储、电动汽车等的微电网经济调度策略和模型,分析了电动汽车的加入对微电网经济性的影响。仿真结果表明:电动汽车的加入不仅可以节约微电网中静态储能设备的投资,减小微电网的运行费用,而且还可以节省电动汽车车主的费用。 Electric vehicles(EVs) may play a dual role when plugged in a microgrid.EVs can be regarded as loads during charging while also used as storage units to supply energy to the remaining loads in the microgrid if the batteries have sufficient spare energy.In consideration of the EVs' characteristic of bidirectional energy flow in a microgrid,the energy dispatching model and strategies for the microgrid consisting of wind generators,photovoltaic systems and battery storages,EVs and other local loads are developed to analyze the impact of incorporating EVs on the economical operation of the microgrid.Simulation results show that the incorporation of EVs in microgrids can not only reduce the capital cost of storages and operation cost of the microgrid,but also save the cost of EVs' owners.
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第14期30-35,共6页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50837001,51077033) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2009CB219708)
关键词 电动汽车 微电网 经济性分析 electric vehicle microgrid economic analysis
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