
转基因植物环境安全评价策略 被引量:21

Strategy of environmental bio-safety assessment for transgenic plants
摘要 构建完善的转基因植物环境安全评价技术体系是保障转基因生物产业健康发展的重要组成部分。本文综述了转基因植物环境安全评价技术发展历程与趋势,归纳了转基因植物环境安全评价的思路与内容。转基因植物环境安全评价应分为潜在风险分析、风险假设验证、风险特征描述等3个步骤,并采用逐层评价模式;安全评价应贯穿转基因植物新品种研发与产业化全程,包括应用前预测、研发中筛选、推广前评价、推广后监测。此外,基于科学性和个案分析原则,本文对复合性状、非生物胁迫抗性等新型转基因植物环境安全评价策略进行了探讨。 A reliable environmental bio-safety assessment system is an important component in the process of transgenic crop commercialization. The paper has reviewed the development history, trend, thoughts and contents of environmental bio-safety assessment for transgenic plants. Environmental bio-safety assessment for transgenie plants should be included three steps: the analysis of potential risks, risk verification and risk eharacterisation; these should be stepwise evaluated. The bio-safety assessment should be integrated in the whole process of research and commercialization, which includes the prediction before application, the selection during the research and development, the assessment before commercialization and the monitoring after commercialization. According io the principles of scientific case-by-case analysis, the paper briefly summarises the strategy of environmental bio-safety assessment for transgenic plants displaying complex traits and abioticstress resistance.
出处 《生物安全学报》 2011年第1期37-42,共6页 Journal of biosafety
基金 转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项资助(2008ZX08011-003)
关键词 转基因植物 环境风险评价 逐层评价 复合性状 transgenic plant environmental risk assessment stepwise evaluation complex character
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