通过对溅渣转炉残砖的成分和矿相分析,讨论了高FeO炉渣溅渣形成的溅渣层化学成分变化和岩相结构特点;分析提出溅渣层的形成机理和对炉衬的保护作用。实验研究证明,溅渣结合层的化学成分与终渣有明显的差别:MgO含量高达58.4 % ,而CaO和SiO2 含量大幅度降低。由于FeO与MgO高温烧结,在MgO-C砖表面脱碳层内形成发达的烧结层,强化了炉衬与溅渣层的结合。由于溅渣层分熔和FeO烧结作用,在炉衬—溅渣层结合界面处形成致密的、以大颗粒MgO 为主相,MF和镁铁尖晶石为胶结相的高熔点结合层,有效保护了转炉炉衬。
By chemical and mineralogical analyses of demolished converter brick after slag splashing, the composition change and specifics of the structure of splashed layer have been studied,the formation mechanism and protecting effect of splashed layer have been postulated It has been proven by experiments that the composition of splashed layer is greatly different from that of end slag,the MgO content can be as high as 58 4 % with much lower CaO and SiO 2 Due to sintering of FeO and MgO at high temperature,in the decarburized layer of MgO C brick,a strong sintered layer is observed,by which the binding of brick with splashed layer is strengthened Because of partly smelting of splashed layer and sintering of FeO,a dense layer with high melting point is formed at the boundary between brick and splashed layer with MgO as main phase,MF and Mg Fe spinel as binding phase,which protects converter lining effectively
Iron and Steel