
经济复苏下的国际贸易保护措施新趋势及中国的对策 被引量:12

New Trends of International Trade Protection Measures in the Context of Economic Recovery and Countermeasures of China
摘要 基于全球贸易预警组织(GTA)的贸易保护措施数据库,对经济复苏下的国际贸易保护主义新趋势及中国面临的贸易保护措施进行分析,结果表明,贸易保护措施在全球经济复苏下继续快速增加,并展现了一些新特点与趋势。中国面临全球最多数量的贸易保护措施,是最大的受害者。面对持续的贸易保护主义,中国可从5个方面作出应对。 Based on database of trade protection measures of Global Trade Alert(GTA),this paper attempts to analyze the new trend of international trade protectionism under economic recovery as well as trade protection measures that China faced with.It reveals that trade protection measures continue to increase rapidly in the context of global economic recovery with some new features and trends.China is the biggest victims in face of the world's largest number of trade protection measures.In response to continuing trade protectionism,the paper finally proposes five countermeasures.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期59-64,88-89,共6页 World Economy Studies
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