
我国水坝工程论辩的特征剖析与几点建议 被引量:1

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Current Debates about Dam Projects and Some Related Suggestions
摘要 合理的工程论辩既是促进工程决策科学化与民主化的重要手段,也是管窥工程活动存在问题的有效媒介。因此考察工程论辩的特征和存在的问题,采取措施保障工程论辩的科学有效开展实属必要。新中国成立以来,国内水坝工程论辩此起彼伏,挺坝派与反对派针锋相对,在各种场合、利用多种渠道针锋相对、各抒己见,已引起社会各界的广泛关注,并造成一定的社会影响。本文力求概括当前我国水坝工程论辩的一般进展,并对论辩中存在的方法论之争和价值论之争这两个典型特征进行了剖析,指出其中暴露出的我国工程论辩中的问题,最后给出了改善我国工程论辩的几点建议。 The reasonable engineering debates is not only an important means of facilitating both the schematization and the democratization of engineering decision-making,but also an effective medium of looking into the problem of the engineering activities.So it is very necessary that studying the characteristics and problems of engineering debates,and take measures to ensure the engineering debates launch effectively and scientifically.Since the founding of new China,domestic engineering debates on dams have been taking place one after another."The faction supporting dams" and "the factions opposed to dams" express their own views separately and give tit for tat,which phenomenon has caused widespread concern in the community and has certain impacts on the society.The paper tries to summarize the general progress of engineering debates,and then analyze two typical features of the debates on dams from the perspective of methodology disputes and values disputes,pointing out the exposed problems of debates on dams.Finally,some suggestions are proposed to improve the engineering debates in China.
作者 张志会
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期68-74,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 水坝工程论辩 方法论 价值论 debates on dams methodology value
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