
典型国家(地区)使能技术发展战略的共性特征分析及对我国的启示 被引量:6

Analysis on the Generic Characteristics of Enabling Technologies Strategy of some Typical Countries(Regions) and Its Inspiration to China
摘要 近年来,一些发达国家陆续出台了使能技术发展的国家战略,强调在国家层面推动使能技术的创新。由于这些使能技术与我国战略性新兴产业发展所需的核心关键技术具有相似的内涵,因此国外使能技术发展战略的一些共性做法可以对我国推动战略性新兴产业技术创新有所启示。在分析苏格兰、欧盟以及澳大利亚使能技术的发展战略及内涵的基础上,对三个国家使能技术发展战略的一些共性特征进行归纳分析,并结合上述分析针对我国战略性新兴产业的技术创新提出若干建议。 In recent years, some developed countries (regions) have put out the national strategy for developing technolo- gies, which focus on promoting the technology innovation at national level. Because these enabling technologies have the similar connotations to the key and core technologies that support the development of strategic emerging industries in China, those generic characteristics among the national strategy for developing enabling technologies in foreign countries (regions) could have some inspirations for technology innovation of developing strategic emerging industries. Based on the analysis of the enabling technologies strategy of Scotland, European Union, Australia and its connotation, this paper summarized the generic characteristic among the enabling technologies strategies of three countries (regions), and finally put forward some suggestions that could be helpful for technology innovation of developing strategic emerging industries in China.
作者 许端阳 徐峰
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第14期19-23,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 中国科学技术信息研究所科研项目预研基金项目"产业共性技术的界定及选择方法研究"(YY-200914)
关键词 使能技术 发展战略 战略性新兴产业 启示 enabling technology developing strategy emerging industries of strategic importance inspiration
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