目的 探讨内皮素(ET) 在慢性肺心病患者血浆中的变化及意义。方法 采用Meta 分析对所收集的国内相关研究文献进行定量综合分析。结果 慢性肺心病急性期和缓解期患者的血浆ET含量分别比正常对照组高出5-64 ~0-46 倍和3-32 ~0-06 倍标准差,而慢性肺心病急性期患者血浆ET含量又比缓解期患者的高出2-97~0-07 倍标准差。结论 ET的血浆含量随着慢性肺心病患者病情的严重程度加重而升高,测定血浆ET含量可作为判断慢性肺心病严重程度的新的指标。
Objective To investigate the significance of plasma endothelin(ET) levels in the patients with chronic cor pulmonale.Methods Synthetic quantitative analysis was used to study the internal documents about plasma ET changes by means of meta-analysis. Results The levels of plasma ET in chronic cor pulmonale patients during acute stage and recovery stage were 5 64~0 46 and 3 32~0 06 times of standard deviation higher than those in the healthy control group, respectively. Moreover, plasma ET levels of acute stage were 2 97~0 07 times of standard deviation higher than that of recovery stage. Conclusions The plasma ET levels decreases as chronic cor pulmonale patient recovers, which suggests that plasma ET reading could be a new varable to indicate the severity of chronic cor pulmonale patient's condition. [
Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine