
行动历程中的叙事与筹划 被引量:3

Narratives and Strategies in the Course of Action
摘要 本文尝试建构一种理论社会学的综合视角,它由三个部分即基础存在论、主体主义式结构论和能动主义式特征化构成。本文的主要尝试是:(一)在结构论意义上的社会结构和象征全域与能动主义特征化方面的叙事和筹划之间构想一种理论联系,使其更适合于实证性的研究;(二)为了使叙事和筹划这两个概念在具体事例分析中更具可应用性,尝试对其在若干中国古典叙事分析上的适用性;(三)着重区分主体性和能动性两个概念,尝试使社会学分析中的"行动者"自觉于某种存在论蜕变,实现由主体性到能动性的转换。 This article attempts to lay down a comprehensive perspective of theoretical sociology composed of three parts., fundamental ontology, subjectivistic structuralism and agentialistic characterization. Three tasks are carried out. First, to theoretically connect the social structure and symbolic universe in structuralism to the narratives and strategies in agentialistic characterization in order to improve their aptness in positivistic research. Second, to test the applicability of the two concepts of narratives and strategies in classical Chinese stories in order to improve their aptness in case analysis. Finally, to make a conceptual distinction between subjectivity and agency in order for the actors to transform from being subjective to being agentic through awareness of some kind of ontological metamorphosis.
作者 吕炳强
出处 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期65-95,共31页 Chinese Journal of Sociology
关键词 社会结构 象征全域 能动主义式特征化 叙事 筹划 social structure, symbolic universe, agentialistic characterization, narrative, strategy
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