
青藏高原东部样带农牧民生计脆弱性评估 被引量:107

Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment of Farmers and Nomads in Eastern Ecotone of Tibetan Plateau,China
摘要 脆弱性评估为脆弱性地区农户摆脱贫困、区域可持续发展提供科学依据。以青藏高原东部样带为例,基于可持续生计框架,建立了农牧民生计脆弱性评估的指标体系,利用11个乡镇的879户农牧民样本数据,开展了不同地带生计脆弱性评估。该指标体系反映了农牧民面临的主要风险,其生计资产,以及农牧民和政府应对风险的措施。结果表明:高原区农牧民生计脆弱性程度高于山原区和高山峡谷区。高原区的满掌乡最为脆弱,即便有政府的帮助,农牧民也不能应对风险。脆弱性程度高的山原区上部和高原区,处于不能适应的边缘,如不采取措施,当地牧民将不能应对气候变化、草地退化、药材退化等多种风险。导致该区牧民生计脆弱的原因既有各种风险的冲击,也因牧民自身生计资产和适应能力的不足。高山峡谷区和山原区下部的乡镇,农牧民能有效地应对风险,需进一步拓宽第二、第三产业就业渠道。因此,高原区和山原区上部的纯牧区是脆弱区域,政府应采取积极的措施,增强农牧民的适应能力。政府的救助措施应从改善自然资产转变到改善人力资产和金融资产,如技能培训、实行医保和畜病防治全覆盖、提供低息和无息贷款、在黑土滩区全面实行退牧还草、对退化草场进行治理和恢复。 Livelihood vulnerability assessment provides a scientific basis for anti-poverty of people and regional sustainable development in vulnerable area.Although there are massive discussions on the concept of vulnerability,it is still a difficult point to make it quantitative and carry out comprehensive appraise.Vulnerability assessments based on sustainable livelihood frame are widely accepted in the case studies for attentions to vulnerable groups.However,these case studies are always on regional scale and never reflect how climate change affects people's livelihood and adaptive capability.It is necessary to seek a vulnerable assessment index system and the means based on livelihood process of local people.This paper develops a livelihood vulnerability assessment index system on the basis of sustainable livelihood framework and appraises livelihood vulnerability values of 11 townships,using data of 879 sample households.Livelihood vulnerability assessment index system reflects main risks,livelihood assets and adaptation strategies of local people and government.The results show that livelihood vulnerability level of plateau region is higher than that of the mountainous region to the plateau region and the mountain canyon area.Manzhang Township in the plateau region is the most vulnerable township and nomads there cannot cope with risks of climate change,meadow degeneration and herbs degradation.Upper part of the mountainous region to the plateau region and the whole plateau region have high livelihood vulnerability values and local nomads would not cope with risks if no measure is taken by government.The driving forces of livelihood vulnerability include strikes of risks and deficiency of livelihood assets and adaptive capability.Farmers and nomads in high mountain canyon area and lower part of the mountain region to the plateau region can cope with these risks,meanwhile,there are more employment opportunities in secondary and tertiary industries are needed to help them realize livelihood diversification.Therefore,plateau region and upper part of mountain to plateau region is vulnerable region and active steps should be taken by government to strengthen adaptive capabilities of farmers and nomads.Government support should shift from the improvement of natural assets to that of human assets and financial assets,such as technique training,health insurance,animal disease prevention and treatment,low interest or interest-free loan,restoring gazing areas to grassland in black beach,restoring other degraded pastures.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期858-867,共10页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2010CB951704) 国家自然科学基金项目(41071066 40601006)资助
关键词 青藏高原 生计 脆弱性 适应能力 Tibetan Plateau livelihood vulnerability adaptation capability
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