目的 了解新生儿先天性心脏病(简称先心病)的临床特点和预后。 方法 对1991年~1997年新生儿病房所收治的145例先心病进行分析,并随访24例非青紫型先心病患者3个月~7年。 结果 非青紫型先心病93例(64.1% ),青紫型52例(35.9% ),最常见者依次为室间隔缺损(44.1)% 、动脉导管未闭13.8% 、大动脉转位(9.7% )。13.1% 合并有心外畸形,以染色体畸形居首位31.6% 。比较青紫型与非青紫型的临床表现(青紫型% 、非青紫型% ):生后24小时内出现青紫(42.0% 、0% )、气促(70.0% 、59.0% )、心率快(40.0% 、23.0% )、心力衰竭(48.0% 、14.0% )、心脏杂音(76.0% 、89.0% )、低氧血症(82.6% 、9.8% )、代酸(21.7% 、8.5% )、住院时的病死率(36.5% 、0% )、2例青紫型先心病在新生儿期作了手术,放弃治疗(51.9% 、11.8% )。随访非青紫型者24例,2例死亡、5例手术、12例自愈、5例未愈无合并症。 结论 先心病是婴幼儿死亡的主要原因。现国外已用胎儿超声心动图作产前诊断并对重症终止妊娠。
Objective To review the clinical features and the outcome of 145 cases of neonatal congenital heart disease (NCHD). Methods 145 cases of NCHD in the ward for sick newborn infants from 1991 through 1997 were analyzed. 24 cases of non cyanotic NCHD were followed up for 3 months to 7 years. Results Non cyanotic NCHD were found in 93 cases (64.1%), cyanotic NCHD in 52 cases (35.9%). The most common defects were ventricular septal defect (44.1%), patent ductus arteriosus (13.8%), transposition of great arteries (9.7%) successively. 13.1% NCHD babies had extracardiac anomalies. Chromosomal abnormality was found much higher (31.6%) than others. Compared the percentage of clinical appearance between cyanotic and noncyanotic NCHD (cyanotic vs noncyanotic NCHD), cyanotic in first 24 hours (42% vs 0), tachypnea (70% vs 59%), tachycardia (40% vs 23%), heart failure (48% vs 14%), heart murmur (76% vs 89%), hypoxemia (82.6% vs 9.8%), metabolic acidosis (21.7% vs 8.5%), motality of inpatients (36.5% vs 0), the patients gave up treatment (51.9% vs 11.8%). 2 cases of cyanotic NCHD were operated in neonatal period. 24 cases of noncyanotic NCHD were followed up for 3 months to 7 years. 2 babies died, 5 cases had operation, 12 babies recovered naturally and 5 babies unrecovered but without any complication. Conclusion NCHD is an important cause of death in infancy and childhood. Up to date, most of severe cardiac anormaly has been detected prenatally by fetal echocardiography and resulted in a termination of the pregnancy. This screening program should be extended to all obstetric centers nationwide for the eugenic purpose.
Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine