
消费者文化差异对创新扩散的影响机制研究 被引量:9

The impact mechanism of consumers' cultural differences on innovation diffusion
摘要 Bass模型参数与创新扩散曲线的事先估计,既有研究未能充分回答。本文认为,不同地域消费者文化的差异是导致Bass模型参数变化的重要原因。进而提出,个人主义、不确定性规避、权力距离和男性化倾向四个文化维度对Bass模型参数影响的研究假设。通过测量验证成都和重庆两地消费者文化的差异,以及估计比较手机、软饮料和经济型轿车三类产品在成都和重庆两地的市场扩散曲线,本文所提的研究假设得到证实。所以,在新产品上市推广时,企业应当依据不同地域消费者的文化差异,调整新产品营销策略。 The forecast of Bass model parameters and innovation diffusion curve remains unanswered based on extant research. Cultural differences of different locations might lead to the fluctuation of Bass model parameters. Therefore, the hypotheses that individualism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity have substantial impacts on Bass model parameters and manipulate the shape of innovation curve are presented. These hypotheses are validated by measuring the consumers' cultural differences of Chengdu City and Chongqing City, and by estimating the diffusion parameters of mobile phones, soft drinks, and e- cunomical cam in there two cities. These results indicate that firms should adjust their marketing strategies according to local cul- tural differences when initiating new products in the market.
作者 陈锟
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期67-75,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:70901014) 起止时间:2010.1-2012.12 教育部人文社会科学研究基金(编号:09YJC630019) 起止时间:2010.1-2012.12
关键词 文化差异 创新扩散 BASS模型 cultural difference innovation diffusion Bass model
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