The electrical engineer PDA was developed for solving electrical engineers need to look tor a lot of technical information, edit formulas, measure electrical parameters, and so on. The PDA hardware is made up of ARM core microprocessor, data acquisition and processing circuit, and touch screen / LCD display circuit. The embedded database SQLite is used and transplanted to the embedded microprocessorS3C2440 and Linux systems on the basis of the existing embedded databases are analyzed. Waveform storage table, electrical parameter measurement record table and electronic formulas table are designed based on the function of electrical engineers PDA. The PDA data sheet' s field, electrical technical data query module database table creation and database design of electrical data query module are mainly analyzed. Linux operating systems and SQLite database are transplanted to the embedded microprocessor, electrical engineers PDA application software is designed, and online calculation, editing and querying electrical data, etc are realized. The design request of this PDA was successfully completed.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Natural Science