
基于xPC Target的汽车动力学HiL仿真系统设计 被引量:4

Design of the Vehicle Dynamic HiL Simulation System Based on xPC Target
摘要 目前,汽车工业进入了一个高速发展的阶段,汽车从设计到上市,周期越来越短,而汽车的设计和研发是一项非常复杂且耗资巨大的工程,尤其是一些实车实验,不仅复杂而且带有一定危险性。为了方便汽车研发工作,缩短研发周期,运用xPC Target和veDYNA等软件开发工具,结合方向盘转角传感器、油门踏板传感器和制动踏板传感器等硬件工具,设计了一套汽车动力学硬件在环仿真系统。详细介绍了该系统的工作原理,以及各硬件模块和软件模块的结构和原理。最后,设计了一个汽车在半径为50米的圆形平坦路面上行驶的仿真实验,并对该H iL仿真系统的性能指标进行测试和分析。实验的结果表明,该仿真系统的精度和实时性非常好,完全能够满足一般汽车动力学仿真实验要求。 Automobile industry has entered a rapid development stage,the cycle from designing to listing becomes shorter and shorter.While the vehicle designing and development is complicated and costly,especially some real car experiment,it is not only complex but also with certain risk.In order to facilitate the automobile research work,shorten the development cycle,we designed a automotive dynamics hardware-in-the-loop simulation system,using xPC Target and veDYNA software,and some hardware tools such as the steering wheel angle sensor,the accelerator pedal sensor and the brake pedal sensor.Discussed the working principle of the system in detail,as well as the structure and principle of the hardware module and the software module.Finally,designed a simulation experiment that a car traveled on a circular flat road which radius is 50 meters,testing and analysising the performance of HiL simulation system.The result of the experiment show that the accuracy and real-time of the simulation system is perfect,it can fully meet the requirement of the general vehicle dynamics simulations.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期610-613,共4页 Control Engineering of China
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(60725311) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目(90820302)
关键词 硬件在环仿真 汽车动力学 XPC TARGET hardware-in-the-loop simulation vehicle dynamics xPC target
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