
糖尿病动物模型视网膜组织极早期的病理改变 被引量:1

Early Pathological Changes of Retinal Tissue in Diabetic Animal Models
摘要 随着糖尿病患病率的增加,糖尿病及其并发症所带来的健康威胁正日益加重。人们对糖尿病及其并发症研究也在不断地深入。目前很多动物研究发现在糖尿病的初发阶段视网膜组织就已存在轻微的病理改变,如周细胞减少、神经节细胞减少等,并且这些病理改变与高血糖密切相关。现就糖尿病早期视网膜病理改变进行综述。 With the prevalence increase,diabetes and its complications are increasingly threatening the human health,bringing constantly deepening research of the disease.Up to now it is found through a lot of animal models study that in the early stage of diabetes mild retinal pathology changes already exist,such as pericytes loss,ganglion cells loss,which are closely related with high blood sugar.Here is to review the retinal pathological changes in early diabetes.
出处 《医学综述》 2011年第13期2007-2009,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 周细胞 神经节细胞 细胞凋亡 Pericytes Ganglion cells Apoptosis
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