
基于DEA模型的零售业上市公司经营效率研究——以泛长三角地区为例 被引量:5

Research on Operational Efficiency of Retail Listed Companies Based on DEA——Taking Pan Yangtze river delta as an example
摘要 利用DEA模型对泛长三角地区零售业上市公司2007-2009年的技术效率进行测算和分析。结果表明,近年来泛长三角地区零售业上市公司整体技术效率呈现上涨趋势但存在一定的波动性;达到DEA有效的上市公司仅占一半左右。因此,零售业上市公司有必要积极参与对外合作,使商品品牌自有化,并且适当地进行股本扩张,以及增加连锁,实施收购、兼并、重组。 This paper calculates and analyzes the technical efficiency of Retail listed companies in Pan Yangtze river delta from 2007 2009 based on DEA model. The results shows in recent years the overall technical efficiency of Retail listed companies in Pan Yangtze river delta has rising trend, but there are some volatility, and about half of listed companies reaches DEA effectiveness. Therefore, Retail listed companies need to actively participate in international cooperation, to make its own brand of merchandise, to properly conduct capital expansion, and to increase the chain, im plement the acquisition, merger, reorganization.
作者 束虹 谢啸
机构地区 安徽大学商学院
出处 《科技和产业》 2011年第7期13-15,48,共4页 Science Technology and Industry
关键词 泛长三角地区 零售业 经营效率 DEA Pan Yangtze river delta retail business operational efficiency DEA
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