2John Bumett, "The Adulteration of Foods Act, 1860: a centenary appreciation of the first British legislation", Food Manufactures, XXXV, November 1960,pp.479-482.
3Giles, "The Development of Food Legislation in the United Kingdom", in MAFF, Food Quality and Safety: A Century of ProaTess. HMSO.1976. D.6.
4Fallows. Stephen J.. Food Legislative System of the UK, p.31.
5D. J. Jukes, Food Legislation Of the UK: a concise guide(third edition), Oxford 1993, p.2.
6Colin Scott, "Continuity and Change in British Food Law". p.787.
7Simon Hughes, "Protecting Health: Can the UK Do Better?" Scott C. Ratzan (ed.), The Mad Cow Crisis: Health and the public good, London 1998, pp.lll-ll5.