通过缩尺比为1:300 的模型风洞试验,研究了在16 个来流风向下某高层建筑建成前后周围的风环境,并结合当地的气象风速资料,分析了建筑周围26 个位置的行人高度风环境在坐、站、行3 种情况下的舒适性状况.结果表明:该建筑周围风环境基本上满足舒适性条件.
The pedestrian level wind environment around some high-rise is investigated by wind tunnel test.The state of comfort in the wind is predicted by combining historical wind data with wind tunnel test.The results show that wind environment around the building can create comfortable effect for walking and standing people,but not for sitting people at some points.The method to improve wind environment is proposed.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology