由于抗震设计的要求,许多砌体墙设有构造柱,其允许高厚比限值发生变化,验算法需进行修正.根据压杆稳定理论,分析了带构造柱墙和不带构造柱墙允许高厚比限值的差异,并对现行砌体结构设计规范中各类墙体考虑构造柱影响后的允许高厚比限值进行了计算比较,指出当构造柱间距在一定范围内时,墙体的允许高厚比限值可提高10% ~20% .可供砌体结构规范修订参考.
Because of requirements of antiseismic design,constructional columns are set up in most masonry walls,whose permissible depth-thickness ratio also changes,so the checking method has to be modified.Based on stable theory of compression bar,this paper analyzes the difference of the limit value of permissible depth-thickness ratio between walls with constructional columns and without them.It calculates and compares the limit values of allowable depth-thickness ratio of various kinds of walls with constructional columns in current masonry code for structural design and points out that the limit values can be increased from 10% to 20% when the space between the constructional columns is limited to a certain scope.It can serve as reference for the amendment and revision of the masonry code for structural design.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology