
复杂振动引起的图像退化分析与仿真 被引量:7

Analysis and Simulation of Images Degraded by Complex Vibration
摘要 平台振动导致光学系统在曝光时间内与景物产生相对运动,严重影响了成像质量,而图像的退化模式可能并不单一。针对目前难于仿真高阶多模的复杂振动引起的图像退化问题,提出了基于像移矩阵的微分动态像移路径图像退化法,全面考虑了振动的空域和频域特性对图像退化的综合作用。从而在实际应用中只要已知振动函数,便可以通过一幅清晰的图像仿真得到振动引起的退化图像。并通过图像频谱的理论特征和实际仿真图像的测量特征的对比验证了仿真的可靠性。该仿真算法能够精确、灵活地控制退化的参数,可望在对退化图像的复原问题中提供极大的便利。 The vibration of platforms would lead to the relative motion between the optical camera and the scene in the exposure time, seriously affecting the image quality. But the model of degradation may not be single. To solve the problem of image simulation degraded by complex forms of vibration with high-order and multimode, the differential image motion path degradation method based on the matrix of image motion is proposed. With this method we can have an overall consideration of both the airspace and frequency domain features of the vibration’s impact on imaging. Actually, as long as the vibration function is known, the degraded image can be simulated with an original image. And by contrast of the theoretical features and the measured features of degraded images’ spectrum, reliability of the simulation method can be validated. The simulation algorithm can control the degradation parameters accurately and flexibly and provide great convenience to the restoration of the degraded images.
出处 《光电工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期125-130,共6页 Opto-Electronic Engineering
基金 国家基础研究973项目(2009CB724005) 国家自然科学基金项目(40804048) 国家863高技术项目(2007AA12Z101)
关键词 振动 像移矩阵 退化 仿真 vibration the matrix of image motion degradation simulation
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