Subduction and collision theory of Plate tectonics is a basement of the study of granite tectonic dyna mics and geodynamics. Generally, it corresponds to plate tectonic evolution (e.g, Harris et al ., 1988). This classical evolution of granites seems to be consistent finely with classical plate tectonic evolution, so it is often accepted as a model. Indeed, in many plate tectonic evolution, so it is often accepted as a model. Indeed, in many orogenic belts, orogeny related granites show the evolution from subductionrelated calc alkaline granites (Ⅰ type ) to syn collision granites (S type). Recent studies, however, show that the cases are not always simply like that. This paper presents that the granites in the core of the Qinling orogenic belt are characterized by two phase evolutions from S to H type granites in Proterozoic and Paleozoic, respectively, corresponding to two phase subduction/collision events. In Proterozoic, early group consists of S type granites and later of metaluminous (H type) granites. In Paleozoic, also early group is composed of S type granites and later of H type granites. The lithology, geochemistry and enclaves suggest that these S type granites are (strong) peraluminous and derived from the Qinling group, and the H type granites, i.e. I type, are metaluminous and could have been generated from the mixing between mantle derived magma and crustal derived composition (Qinling group). For all of these H type granites, it is estimated that about 10%~70% mantle derived materials were involved in the formation of the granites. This granite evolution implies that continental crust reworking was dominant in the early stage of the tectonism and the reaction between the ocean and continent crust or between the continent crust and mantle was stronger in the later stage. This evolution and the tectonic dynamics seem to be different from classical tectonic plate. There may have several possible explanations for this, e.g., (a) continental collision to post collision delamination (or break off) in a continental regime; (b)subduction to break off (or delamination) in a small ocean plate regime. The comprehensive studies suggest that the latter may be more probable. For this, a dynamic feature of more continental blocks, small ocean basin and weak subdction and the corresponding granite evolution are proposed in this paper. It appears that not all the orogenic belts in China were developed from a classical plate tectonic regimes, i.e. from a great ocean plate. Therefore, this kind of dynamic proposed in this paper may have an important signficance.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (编号 :4 960 2 0 3 7)