对毛蚶的生物沉积作用以及对养殖水体中物质的运输的影响进行了研究。实验结果表明,毛蚶能够加速养殖池中悬浮颗粒物的沉积,小个体(壳长2.60~2.85 cm)的生物沉积率为45.9~89.5 mg.ind-1.d-1;中等个体(壳长3.77~3.97 cm)为101.0~167.0 mg.ind-1.d-1;大个体(壳长4.60~5.13 cm)为160.5~230.5 mg.ind-1.d-1。毛蚶的生物沉积量与其壳长、软组织干重分别呈正相关线性关系和指数关系;单位重量的生物沉积量则与壳长和软组织干重分别为负相关的线性关系和幂指数关系。实验还证明:海参养殖池水体的温度及悬浮颗粒物的数量能影响毛蚶的生物沉积作用。
The biodeposition by Scapharca subcrenata and the effects of biodeposition on material flux were measured under artificial cultivation conditions. The results show that the biodeposition rates were 45.9-89.5 mg·ind-1· d-1 · day -1 , 101.0-167mg · ind-1· d-1 and160.5-230.5mg · ind 1 · d-1for small size, middle size and big size of Scapharca subcrenata , respectively. The amount of biodeposit was correlated positively with the shell length and weight, but the per gram body weight biodeposit negatively. Those demonstrated that water temperature and food concentration can affect biodeposition of Scapharca subcrenata.
Scapharca subcrenata biodeposition
effect factors