目的分析探讨阿托伐他汀钙在治疗中老年顽固性高血压中对降压疗效的影响情况。方法选择86例在笔者所在医院住院或门诊已明确为顽固性高血压病的患者,在进行常规降压治疗(足量的3联或3联以上降压药联合应用)3~6个月均未能达到降压目标值140/90 mm Hg时,加用阿托伐他汀钙20 mg,1次/d,随访3~6个月,平均4个月,观察患者在联合使用阿托伐他汀钙治疗前后(原服用的降压药不变)其血压值的变化情况。数据用t检验分析处理。结果顽固性高血压患者在联用阿托伐他汀钙治疗后血压有所下降,数据经统计学检验存在统计学差异(P<0.05),而患者对阿托伐他汀钙的耐受性均表现良好。结论阿托伐他汀钙对中老年顽固性高血压病能起到协同的降压效果。
Objective To analyze and explore the influence of depresser effect to the unprogressive high blood pres- sure of the Medium - old - age patients through taking Atorvastatin calcium tablets. Methods Choose 86 hospitalization or out - patient pationts at our hospital that already explicit diagnosed unprogressive high blood pressure, after the normal treat- ments by taking some certains hypotensor( using quantum satis of 3 spiecies or above 3 spiecies hypotensors together), that all the patients can not attain to the target BP 140/90 mm Hg by 3 ~6 months. Afterwards, to take Atorvastatin calcium tablets 20 mg, once everyday, which visit for 3 ~ 6 months ( average 4 months). Then observe the variations of resuits that the patients' blood pressure descend before and after using Atorvastatin calcium tablets ( the former hypotensors are constant). The datas is analyzed with the "t" test. Results The unprogressive high blood pressure of the patients' is descensus by using Ator- vastatin calcium tablets. The sample data is diffrence by statistics analysis ( P 〈 0.05 ), however the torlerance of the pationt's showed good expression by taking Atorvastatin calcium tablets. Conclusion To take Atorvastatin calcium tablets can get the synergetic depresser effect with regard to unprogressive high blood pressure of the medium - old - age patiouts.
Medical Innovation of China
Medium - old - age patients
Unprogressive high blood pressure
Atorvastatin calcium tablets
de- presser effect