目的 选择D9158 合金的热处理制度. 方法 利用性能测试、X 射线衍射和扫描电镜分析等方法, 研究合金固溶时效后组织结构对性能的影响. 结果 经不同的固溶时效处理, 在奥氏体基体上获得了细小、弥散的 M6C, Laves 相等强化相. 结论 该合金作为热挤压模具材料使用, 合理的热处理工艺为1 160 ℃×1.5 h, 水冷+ 750 ℃×5 h, 空冷.
Aim\ To select the heat treatment technology for the alloy D9158. Methods\ The effect of microstructure on mechanical properties of the alloy after ageing at different times and under different temperatures has been inverstigated by means of mechanical properties test, X ray diffraction and SEM, etc. Results\ Fine and disperse M\-6C and Laves phase in basic phase γ are formed through different solutions and ageing processes. Conclusion\ The technology (1 160 ℃×1.5 h, W.C.+750 ℃×5 h, A.C.)is suitable, when the alloy is to be used for heat extruding dies.
Journal of North China Institute of Technology