应用WAP2.0协议,利用XHTML MP(XHTML Mobile Profile)、ASP以及ACCESS数据库构建移动健康监测平台系统,该系统的建立旨在解决目前看病时各种排队以及看病效率低的现状。病人可以在家用医疗仪器测试获取病理数据并传输于系统中,专家通过分析数据给出相应的专业意见告知患者病情。系统主要分为三个模块——用户模块、管理者模块、专家模块。用户模块主要让登陆用户看到自己的病理数据、专家的数据分析和专业意见以及其他功能。最后给出了构建初步完成的移动健康监测平台系统。
According to the protocol of WAP2.0,this paper using XHTML MP(XHTML Mobile Profile),ASP and ACCESS database sets up the platform of mobile health monitoring system,which is established to save queuing time when seeking medical care and improve doctors' efficiency of medical treatment.Patients at home can examine themselves though the medical equipment and Transfer data to the system and the experts will give professional advice to the patients by analyzing the data.The system consists of three modules-the user-module,the administrator-module and the expert-module.the user-module helps users to see their pathological data,data analysis and opinions of experts and other function.Finally,this paper shows the initially completed construction of mobile health monitoring platform.
Industrial Control Computer