

Research on Students' Visual-Spatial Representation、working memory and Mathematical Problem Solving
摘要 本研究主要考察了小学六年级学生在视觉—空间表征、空间能力与工作记忆对数学问题解决所产生的影响。结果表明:视觉空间表征、空间能力与数学问题解决之间存在极其显著的正相关;而工作记忆与数学问题解决成中等程度的正相关,接近统计学意义上.05的显著性水平(p<0.05)。被试采用了图式表征和言语表征,而没有采用图像表征。 This research is focused on the influence ofvisual-spatial representation, spatial ability and working memory on students' mathematical problem solving. The subjects are six-grade student in Shen- zhen city. The results is found out that there is significant positive correlation among visual-spatial representation, spatial ability and mathematical problem solving. However, working memory and mathematical problem solving exist mediate positive correlation, which the p value is .044. All the subjects use schematic representation or verbal representation while solving the problem. None of them use pictorial representation.
作者 罗琨 康武
出处 《社会心理科学》 2011年第5期216-220,共5页 Science of Social Psychology
关键词 视觉-空间表征 空间能力 工作记忆 数学问题解决 Visual-spatial representation, spatial ability, working memory, mathematical problem solving
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