本文从区域背景出发,按照因地制宜、城市化规律和城乡联系等几项原则,运用演绎推导的方法,结合现实情况,用区域经济发展水平,区域城镇体系结构和区域内部联系性三组指标进行组合,建立了乡村地区小城镇建设的15 种模式,由于选取的指标较为全面,符合中国实际,因而得到的模式多样,实用性较广,能够较好地反映区域基本状况。此外,作者依照发展的观点和模式之间的递进关系对15种模式进行了分类,划分的7 种类型,并归并成三个阶段,由高到低分别代表不同发展程度的地区,使模式的应用更具实践性和可操作性。最后,对这些模式进行了简单的评价,对现在进行的不同地区的乡村小城镇建设具有一定的比较和参考价值。
According to several rules such as suit measurea to local conditions, urbanization law, and reciprocities between cities and villages, this article sets up 15 models about the rural small towns. Based on the present rural situation of china this article design these models applying 3 indexes of the regional economic development, the system structure of the regional towns, and the regional internal connection. The models are various and can be used to deferent regions, so they can embody different regional situation. Based on the development thought, the article divides these models into 7 sorts and 3-development stage. The method has inference and comparative values when compare with different rural towns.
Economic Geography