帅小伙伊莱德·卡什(Elad Kashi)是来自以色列的年轻设计师,他的设计兼备了实用主义,浪漫主义和科技含量。或许不止一个人想过将餐具和桌子联合起来,但大多数人仅止于想法,而伊莱德·卡什却做出了成品。
Bad kashi is a young Israeli product designer, who likes to combine each functions in one product.By combining the wooden table set with the ceramic tabletop a new situation appear, the table offers the people to eat directly from it.At the end of the meal,You simply put the table in the dish washer.The Toaster and service dish,from it's name,can be toaster and in the meantime a dish.The mid section is designed to keep the toast that are already done warm.