面对因为木质工业的发展而导致的世界上森林急剧减少的难题,不少公司另辟蹊径,尝试争取以其他材质代替木材的使用。不少人相信,在未来,竹子将是木材的替代品。由巴西里约热内卢的克劳迪·奥费雷拉(Claudio Ferreira)公司设计制造的竹复合材料“拜奥普里(Biooply)”,
Biooply is a 2.44×1.22 m standardized flat composite with thicknesses of 6.5 and 10 mm to be produced in China on a large scale.The biocomposite uses in part a Brazilian semimanufactured product and the standardized processes of the Chinese bamboo industry. Invented in Brazil,Biooply is in fact a product of an excellent bilateral Brazil-China relationship. Light,economic and more productive than conventional composites,Biooply attends the demand for new,non wood based products with a sustainable view,focused on the civil construction, architecture and design industries.